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With the Club Automation + Edge integration, unlock your employees as a growth channel. Join us in driving positive online reviews, fostering a motivated staff, and effectively managing customer feedback.

We’re Here to Bring You Employee-Driven Growth.

Build authentic local customer communities to propel repeat business. Save lost or unhappy customers and track their future spending with automated insights on your key sales drivers.

Get Repeat Customers

Automated Google Reviews

Let's Chat

Motivated employees drive business growth. Let us show you how.

Automate employee incentives and customer feedback on Google Reviews with Edge's 75+ Point of Sale integrations. Put Google Reviews generation on autopilot.

Elevate company contests with employee rewards – whether competing for more Google Reviews mentions or promoting products – all designed to drive business growth & motivate employees.

Quickly address customer feedback and respond to online reviews using AI-enhanced responses, saving time and improving service quality.

Realtime Sales Contests

Customer Feedback Resolution

Reward your frontline team for driving new and repeat customers with the Club Automation and Edge Integration!

The #1 Employee-Driven Growth Platform

What's In Store For You:

Retain Motivated Employees

Keep your top talent by leveraging team performance insights. Recognize and reward employees who deliver exceptional customer service using Edge’s analytics.

Boost Employee Recognition and Engagement

Increase employee engagement by rewarding your frontline staff. Incentivize them to provide industry-leading service with flexible rewards that boost confidence and morale.

Increase Engagement

Foster community by encouraging guests to share their experience and leave reviews. Gain automated insights on your biggest sales drivers and cultivate a loyal customer base.

Let's Connect

Reward your frontline team for driving new and repeat customers with the Club Automation and Edge Integration!

We know the dedication and hard work it takes to make a meaningful impact, and our goal is to simplify your efforts and help centers like yours grow and flourish.

Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Integrated & Flexible Employee Rewards

Customize reward thresholds with automated tracking, eliminating manual work. Employees receive live updates and can easily redeem rewards. Utilize non-cash rewards like in-store credit, discounts, and gift cards to drive efficiency and recognition.

Survey your team across single or multiple locations. Identify top performers and boost positive employee reviews on recruiting sites.

The #1 Employee-Driven Growth Platform